Saturday, October 27, 2007


I have wanted to start blogging for various reasons. Mostly because I have a lot of "stuff" in my head that needs to make its way out. And golly there is only so much my dog Lulu will listen too.
Who am I you ask? My name is Katie. I am married to my husband Jesse and we have two dogs named Lady and Lulu. Lady is a chocolate Lab and Lulu is a Jack Russell terrorist. I have a BA in Music, but am currently studying to get a BS in Medical Technology. Yeah I know its to chemistry? You will see I am a weird mix of creativity and science. I currently work at a bank as a teller. I have lots of hobbies. I play six musical instruments. But my true passions are knitting and sewing. Knitting has become rather like a drug. I am addicted. I go through withdrawl when I haven't had my knitty fix. It's just downright sad.

So I hope to tell you about my adventures in knitting and the rest of the world.

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